Although the dog is biologically not the closest creature to humans, there is something that makes it special compared to all other species.
Rule: Innate characteristics such as love, loyalty, loyalty, gratitude, cooperation, and the need for human contact underlie the otherwise unique character of each dog of any dog breed.
This rule is the main reason why, unlike other species of the animal kingdom, all the dog breeds that have followed man for thousands of years travel and live harmoniously near him throughout the length and breadth of the earth.
However, there are cases where problematic or antisocial behavior is manifested on the part of the dog.
The way in which a dog exhibits antisocial - problematic behavior, as well as the reasons that lead to it, can vary from case to case.
For example, there are cases of incorrect breeding choices where a breeder chooses to support breeding dogs based on morphological traits alone, while completely ignoring the characters of the parents, thus contributing to the birth of puppies with problematic characters.
Such dogs may later develop antisocial, phobic or aggressive behavior as teenagers or adults, thus causing concern for their owners.
Maybe your dog doesn't behave as expected.
The way in which a dog expresses a problematic or antisocial behavior, as well as the reasons that lead a dog to such behaviors may vary, but in every case it’s worth you trying a professional correction intervention from an experienced dog trainer.
more about interventions for dogs problematic behaviors