Frequently asked questions, answers, advices, on topics that concern dog owners.
Does my dog need training?
• Make sure your dog learns everything he needs to know with proper training before the appropriate age passes. Find out what are the conditions for a harmonious coexistence with him, the problems you might face if you leave your dog untrained, the role of socialization, rules of proper behavior and socialization.
• There are many reasons why a dog needs to go through basic training. We will mention few of these reasons below:
• Sometimes it could become difficult or dangerous for one to live with an untrained dog in relation not only to the owner but with other people when they come into contact with him for example during a visit or a walk.
• An untrained dog, especially if it belongs to a large breed with developed guarding instincts, can be a great burden to its owner or family as it is very likely that it will constantly cause issues such as demonstration of aggression, disobedience or lack of communication.
• Often the degree of communication an owner has with an untrained dog will be insufficient to completely non-existent. During dog training a high degree of communication is developed by learning and using simple commands resulting in everyone being pleased. The owner because he will discover how happy and cooperative his dog can be, and the dog as it is a basic instinct for him to cooperate with the human and to help him. But how could he help a human without even knowing the way to communicate with him?
• The dog generally speaking comes from packs therefore without proper training it will logically consider that life among humans is governed by the rules of a pack. However, this leads to problems because of the dog's constant effort to become the leader of the pack, to conquer females when he believes they are members of his pack, to claim, to protect food with ferocity, etc. In any case, an untrained dog cannot easily find a proper place among the people.