Competitiveness Entrepreneurship Innovation - Co-financed by Greece and the European Union

Dog training | Thessaloniki

• Your beloved friend will become happier and safer with basic dog training . Your dog will learn new ways for better communication with you. Call us today.

What is basic dog training?

• Basic dog training is the way or method by which the dog learns useful relevant basic commands resulting in a pleasant problem-free harmonious coexistence with owner, family or society in general.

• Basic dog training helps the dog to become more communicative, calm and happy, as day by day it will find the right place in the social contexts of people and dogs.

basic dog training

Part of advanced dog training presentation.
(date: 25-12-2022 || duration: 1m5s):

This video shows the beginning of advanced dog training. Get in touch if you need more information.



Its really worth to gather as much information as you can before assign your dog's training.
Choose carefully what is best for you and your dog.
Choose: VIDogClub || Thessaloniki

• Training also implies for the dog that an essential need to him is fulfilled in the best way as above all he needs to be next to the human communicating and offering true selfless love.

Proper dog training is also a matter of safety

• In some cases the basic dog training in time, at the approximate age of 6 to 8 months the latest, is strongly recommended as a the minimum training of the dog, especially if we are referring to large body type breeds of dogs with an innate guardian instinct.
• In cases of such dogs the minimum level of simple basic training is deemed necessary as otherwise the owner may be faced usually after these dogs reach adulthood, with manifestations of aggressive nature for no reason resulting in potentially dangerous situations both towards the owner's family, other people or other animals.

Our facilities at Thessaloniki (Agia Paraskevi) where the dog training lessons are attended:

dog training area

Dog training (snapshots):

basic dog training at Thessaloniki

  basic dog training

dog training Thessaloniki

  dog training at Thessaloniki

group dogs training

  dog training in group

Dog training group - evening lesson.
(date: 15-07-2023 || duration: 2m29s):

Seven dogs of different breeds and ages are participating with their handlers - owners. During the lesson two different dogs are responding perfectly to commands “stay” followed by “come” under distraction as other dogs and people are in motion around them.
It is worth underlining how harmoniously and civilly the dogs work together during this exercise.

When does dog training start?

• In the world of dogs, dog training generally begins immediately after birth. As long as the dog is close to the mother she will make sure he learns the process of waiting until it is time to eat, she will control when he will play, she will force him to stay within close range under her control. Adult dogs need similar rules as well as restrictions when interacting with people. The control of the dog this time is exercised on behalf of the human as in terms of dog training it is the human who assumes authority over the dog or if you prefer he assumes the role of pack leader.

A leader securing position or authority is not allowed to display emotionally charged or if you prefer neurotic behavior. The right position from your side is to adopt some similar behavior. In the wild a leader maintains a calm yet dynamic demeanor silently imposing on group members a training or if you will a framework or manner in which they are allowed to interact with their environment. A typical example is a dog mother when gently biting a puppy by the neck and she carries it back to its place if it has moved away.

what is the right time to train my dog?

•The appropriate age to start your dog's training is when he reaches the age of 6 to 8 months. This time may differ for each dog as it depends on parameters such as the race the morphology and character of each animal and of course the needs of the owners.

• It is worth mentioning that dogs like people will not have the same results if they miss the appropriate age for their training and complete it later when they are at an advanced age.

• In any case, I recommend that you request an early evaluation of the dog by an experienced dog trainer.

What will my dog learn with training?

• Discover your dog's hidden potential.

• Applying modern training methods in our training school you will quickly notice a great increase in the degree of communication.

• Dog training is the surest way for him get a proper place both next to you and your family, home. You will not have issues any more if youn want to walk with your dog in crowded places or visiting a dog show.

• The available long-term experience of trainers of our school combined with deep knowledge regarding techniques and psychology of dogs as well as the modern training methods we follow in our dog school, allow us to say that as a result you have a dog so different that it will be hard for you to believe.

• In connection with the basic training commands as described above, you can read examples of what your dog can learn in our school in the corresponding sections of our page.

How long does it take to train a dog?

Basic dog training takes 1 to 2 months. Of course this is related to the time available from the owner’s side, but it is also related to the dog's character its degree of perception, the degree of his socialization, as well as the education it has received earlier.

Accordingly, if we refer to advanced dog training aiming to participation at working dog exams, the required time usually reaches or exceeds six months.

Does dog training need preparation?

Dog training will have a better result in any case if one starts early, so as a dog owner it would be useful for you to know some related information with dog training in general.

Defining ownership of an object or area has an important role in dog training. Dogs like other pack animals when living in the wild claim their territory initially displaying a dynamic, calm, full of confidence attitude and then communicate this definition of ownership with clear body language including direct contact with eyes.

• Useful information: If the dog perceives you as hierarchically superior, he absolutely respects this position while he has no difficulty understanding that the space where he lives belongs to his hierarchically superior. You will see this respect during dog training as much as in your everyday life.

• For the dog, waiting is another means of training that pack leaders use to ensure a dog's acceptance of their authority. Since puppies are at a lower point of hierarchy they have to wait their turn until the time when the adult dogs finish their food. According to this form of training the puppies have to wait also for the leading dog command or permission before setting off on moving to another place.

• Waiting can therefore be used as supplementary training for a dog, as the way it experiences it is a form of psychological process. In our time, the lives of dogs have certainly changed. The domestication, care, accommodation of dogs with human intervention implies that they no longer need to hunt in order to eat. However, this should not mean indifference on your part towards some form of work assignment before the meal. Behavior worth adopting before starting basic dog training with the help of a professional.

• Establish a leadership attitude towards the dog, asking for some form of work in return. Take a walk together before feeding him. Reward or discourage behaviors by showing tenderness if he behaves calmly, cooperates, remains obedient. Accordingly, delay giving dog food for a while if he is not behaving properly.

• An important test determining a position against the dog as the leader of the pack begins when you recognize its members while distinguishing the position of each one of them. This distinction creates an emotional balance between owner and dog, on which the dog training plan is then based.

• Setting a goal or intention, as the basic process in order to achieve it, greatly strengthens human-dog relationships. Regarding this relationship, I believe that there is no better way to improve it, but always with respect for your needs as well as his.

• A pack leader for thousands of years displays an attitude consisting of truth, honesty, closeness, regular attendance, respect, balance of character, knowledge of pack members. The above features also constitute training in the dogs mind. A leader thus sets rules by setting boundaries within a dog society resulting in members feeling calm, safe and balanced.

How do I deal with a nervous dog?

• As a key parameter exercise helps most nervous dogs with a lot of energy to calm down. If however, the dog shows particularly high levels of anxiety, phobias or aggression please visit the section of behavioral correction.

basic dog training - programs

• Apart from what is mentioned above regarding all commands included in basic dog training, always depending on the dog's character, we optionally offer an advanced level after the basic training such as: guard dog training e.g: bodyguard or site guard. as well as preparation for participation in dog sports, dog working exams

• We make every effort to ensure that the basic dog training programs available always meet the capabilities of dog owners while taking into account, where appropriate, the special characteristics of a dog's personality.

• Before you decide where to train your dog, visit our school to discuss it. Talk to other dog owners to get their opinions. Take a close look at our work on dog training, get properly informed about training a dog.

• Call us today to schedule a dog evaluation.

Lona Raujter :
basic dog training
VIDog Club Personal and Academy dog training
VIDog Club logo
viDogClub - Veronica Tilkeridou logo,
14th Street
, Agia Paraskevi of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, 57001 GPS: 40.48879384114253, 23.03975130428584
Opening Hours:
(by appointment)
& 17:00-21:00

our rating on Google reviews:  4.7 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★